Scientist position in chemistry 2010

1.      Indian  Institute  of  Chemical  Technology  (IICT),  Hyderabad  is  a  Premier Research  Laboratory under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, which is an autonomous body under the Government of India.
2.      IICT  is  a  multi-disciplinary  Institute  with  proven  strengths  in  Organic Chemistry  (drugs,  agrochemicals  and  industrial  organics),  Inorganic  &  Physical Chemistry including Catalysis, Lipid Science & Technology, Organic Coatings & Polymers, Chemical Biology, Chemical Engineering and Design Engineering.
3.      Applications are invited from Indian Nationals in prescribed proforma for the following posts to provide core manpower of various specializations to the Laboratory research programs supported at National and International levels:
4.      The upper age limit will be reckoned as on  02.03.2010 which is relaxable as per Government  orders  in  force  from  time  to  time  in  respect  of  SC/ST/OBC/ Physically Challenged and Ex-servicemen as per rules in only those cases where the posts are reserved for the respective communities.
5.      Last date 2nd march
6.      More details:
8.      ADVERTISEMENT NO. 1/2010


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